Treat Porn Addiction with help of

Pornography addiction is the major issue in the world so for online pornography addiction, first 24-hour counseling service of Britain, has been recently launched. To help the anticipated 1.2 million adult addicts of UK, this service will be available around the clock, seven-days-a-week. Live telephone sessions with qualified counselors and 'accountability' software, by which online activity is monitored and a list of observed x-rated websites is sent to users' therapists, are included in this service.

Treat Porn Addiction with help of

A home study program, daily exercises, and audio files are included in its other treatments. Users can converse their situations with fellow addicts, and support them by accessing to a confidential online forum through this service. Partners of porn addicts, who often feel 'traumatized' by the behavior of their partners', are also offered support by this website. Industry regulator The Counseling Society approved the six-week not-for-profit program that can be joined namelessly at the cost of £89.

The awareness of the problem of porn addiction is increased by few therapists, who have many years' experience. Porn addiction has negative effects on peoples' sex lives, relations and even career. Studies confirmed that porn is used a lot by people then probably, they do not feeling sexual fulfillment, pleasure, or respect. Together with millions of other internet porn users, they will feel anxiety, shame, and especially a sense of helplessness and feeling trapped by their porn use. In that situation, they want to quit, or to get it in point of view and get their personal life back on track. However, possibly, they do not know how to do it.

Porn addiction is the hardest addiction or problem to share with other people so, there are many problems to solve this problem. A flexible program of 5-Step procedure is created by the use of the newest techniques, which are structured in a unique way, to solve this problem. The 5-step process needs commitment and participation of porn addicts. All information that porn addicts require about having a problem with pornography such as chat rooms, webcams, sex phone lines, and other forms of problem sexual behavior, are included in this program.

5-Step procedure also includes a sequence of exercises in a range from questionnaires to exercises which utilize their imagination, and written assignments to help them in explaining their problem. Porn addicts will be able to work through the procedure namelessly and confidentially, at their own pace. They will take part in workout in written and audio format and can obtain regular feedback from an eligible and trained therapist, such as phone support or live chat.

Porn addicts will be allowed to access private online forums where they can speak about their experiences and get support from other people with the same problem. Even, specialist accountability software supports to help them more. The 5-Step Help Porn Addiction Process is the most inclusive, secure, supported and well researched program. The hope of creators of this program is to help porn addicts in making the changes according to their desires.

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