15 BMTC survival Tips & Hacks for a Bengalurean

1. As the bus approaches, observe the speed at which it's approaching, do some calculations and position yourself so that the door opens right in front of you.

2. If there's no one de-boarding, climb up ASAP, look around for empty seats. If you don't find one, continue reading this answer.

3.You now need to super vigilant. Finding a place to sit is the goal of your life. Start looking around. Observe people. If anybody is removing their headphones, keeping books inside, packing bags they'll probably get down at the next stop. Put on your *Sparta Mode* on, struggle your way through and avoid getting brushed past someone's ass. (Most yucky feeling ever -.- ). Give them a big smile indicating that you want that seat, they'll make sure you get it.

4. Or, you can simply ask people where they get down. There's no shame in this at all. It's not like you're gonna meet them again.

5. If you don't find a seat, try and get into one of the bus pockets. There won't be any stampede, or rubbing against sweaty uncles (Eww), and less chances of getting pick-pocketed. And AIR, fresh air!

6. Avoid uncomfortable situations: Don't support the conductor's ass if he's using your seat as something he can lean on. If you're sitting and a person standing next to you is falling over, ask him/her to get away. 

7. How to make your BMTC ride productive!

  •     If you don't get motion sickness, read a book.
  •     Listen to podcasts.
  •     If you're bored, talk to a stranger. Everybody is intriguing in some or the other way. And most of the time, people willing to let out their deepest secrets to strangers. (Has happened with me a lot of times). Always strike a conversation with the one sitting next to you. Your playlist can wait.
  •     Entertain a child. Or get entertained. Kids are so awesome. :D
  •     Observe the city. There's so much to learn.

8. Beware of thieves. Phone thieves thrive on BMTC. If you don't want to listen to music, pretend like you are listening. Just plug in the earphones. Big ass saver trick.

9. Do not keep valuables in the front zip of your bag.

10. For women: Never ever ever ever stand near the back door or stand anywhere near the "For old citizens" seat. You'll get groped if the bus is too crowded. And there are creepy men who on purpose position their groin near your face, shoulders. Ask him to GTFO. In case you do get groped, create a big scene. Make sure that jerk is humiliated for the rest of his life.

11. Always give up your seat for the elderly, sick or pregnant ladies. You'll feel good about yourself. :)

12. Pass on your bag to someone sitting. People love to be trusted with others' belongings.

13. Don't argue with stupid aunties. They're not worth it. Plus, it'll ruin your mood for the rest of the day.

14. Oh, oh, and don't forget to buy ticket. BMTC police are super strict.

15. Get a monthly, quarterly, yearly pass if you're a regular commuter.

Source: quora

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